Judge Chris Taylor’s Jaded Patriot Press and Outpost 422 denial for recording hearings and prejudice by the court

The following email was sent to the press for Gov. Tony Evers’ regarding the concerns for unconstitutional behavior by Judge Chris Taylor.

Gov Evers’ Press-

I am representing Mr. Jesse Schworck’s press team as his chief of staff. We are combining forces and are reporting to the governor of my intent to investigate his conflict of interest appointing the co-author of Assembly Bill 220 as the judge overseeing Mr. Schworck’s case.

I have recorded my voicemail I left you and did not provide you with my phone number as the message was cut off.

Judge Chris Taylor is in violation of two counts of prior restraint based on the unconstitutional “no recording and no recording device policy” at the Dane County Courthouse.

As of today, I am notifying the governor regarding his judge’s prejudice of my ability as a reporter to record her hearings for accuracy. The governor, as the executive of the State of Wisconsin quorum, is directly involved with the prior restraint.

Upon request, I asked the bailiff on August 22 for the standing gag order regarding the recording policy who stated, “No more from you. If you persist, I will have you removed.”

I am profiling corruption and abuse of process by both the Evers’ cabinet and Branch 12 nominee Judge Chris Taylor, who have a conflict of interest.

I plan on writing a writ of certiorari against both parties and ask the United States Supreme Justices recognize the unconstitutional enforcement of a policy without a standing gag order.


UW-W Blogs Gonzo-19: Lion of Judah Rastafari Church leader shares upcoming court appearances

Jesse Schwork, Lion of Judah Rastafari Church founder, obliged interview with the Jaded Patriot Press sharing details about upcoming court dates. Schworck pl…


The project is for my journalism independent study 498 course. I have included one exhibit declaring my merit as truth.

All of my businesses and class projects are in good standing as a student entrepreneur and registered trademark owner. I plan to move forward with impeachment if Gov. Tony Evers fails to respond to my request for his rebuttal.

Respectfully Submitted,


Bradley J. Burt

CEO-Outpost 422

Editor-in-chief/Founder of the Jaded Patriot Press

Chief of Staff for the Wisconsin Cannabis Warriors lobby

CEO-Bob Cobb Freelance Ink LLC

(608) 852-1983