Bob Cobb Freelance Ink. LLC Journey to Develop OP 422—the Freelance Journalism Reporting for Scorn Valor Veteran Stories of the United States of America

Outpost 422 is a group of Capitol veterans watching over the community who report to Bob Cobb on Facebook.

So the journey begins to becoming an LLC. I have decided to follow in the footsteps of Hunter S. Thompson and become a freelance writer to pay back past debts and support me and my kid as I attempt to finish school. Those who know me have read my business plan and know exactly what I do with my advocacy writing at the 4:22 Chronicles. As of now, I am the founder of the Sacred Warrior Church of Native America Inc. and am coming up on the one year anniversary with my report to the state of Wisconsin.
My church collects destroyed Hemp to give back to reservations. Hemp is not Capital. Hemp is a sacred indigenous rite of spirituality and healing and am a Hemp Processor for this specific reason. The veterans who intern through this agency are all united under one identity—Bob Cobb. Bob Cobb Freelance Ink. LLC is their Homeland Security Reporter. We are the watchdogs in the community who are united through one mission through the 422nd Rescue and Recovery Brigade who are utilizing a QRF outpost at Peace Park on State Street.
Outpost 422 is my combat correspondence and consumer protection operation for Homeland Security to kick the rogues out of our state who steal Hemp or strong-arm farmers into allowing them to process their product.
The Wisconsin Hemp Pilot Program is unregulated and needs tougher enforcement on punks who are wrecking it for everyone. I will be starting up a talk show to discuss looting and predatory dispensaries I have uncovered during my Operation: Greenspace mission. I am a reporter. I am seeking justice to be served on all who are involved and am relentlessly working day and night with DATCP to put a stop to it.