The Clarion Broadcast Group—PTSD Coach app Download Campaign Manager

Brad Burt—General Manager of Broadcast, talks about the benefits of staying the course with the Veterans Crisis Line on his Monday talk show at 1:30 p.m. at  who is a student in the Veterans Integration Transitional Academic Leadership (VITAL) program at Madison College.  Outpost 422 talks about his struggles in the beginning and triumphs with PTSD Coach app that help him succeed in school.

If you are struggling with being overwhelmed by school, try this strategy to overcome panic:

  • Stop and listen to Vanilla Ice for the whole song while navigating PTSD Coach app breathing strategies.
  • Collaborate by taking out a pad of paper and purging your thoughts on paper.
  • Then Listen to the link provided at Outpost 422 while continuing to work through the PTSD Coach app.

Or you can watch a video while navigating PTSD Coach app during a panic attack.Vanilla Ice

Reach out to our General Manager of Broadcast if you would like the Clarion to assist you. 

Facebook link: ttps://

Madison College hosts the Outpost 422 talk show from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mondays CDT.

The Clarion Radio Broadcast streams 24/7 and can be found here:


If you are a veteran in crisis, who would like to hear about the great future that lies ahead, reach out to our Clarion Broadcast Group staff to assist you with enrolling at Madison College.

Attention American Legion, VFW and DAV Outreach members:

The Clarion Broadcast Group is looking for organizations to assist with fundraising at Madison College. Reach out here if you would like to book an event to have our staff cover your visit with promos and shoutouts on our shows.