John Q. Battlefield: Examining the battle-ready mindset of a student veteran’s challenges with college classroom social incongruity and the Dept. of Veterans Affairs individual unemployability program


Today kicks off building a blog data base named BOB COBB, which is an acronym that stands for “the Bank of Blogs of the Corporation of Brad Burt.”

The pseudonym, John Q. Battlefield, shares the Outpost 422 journey from college enrollment to the launching of ###OP422. From a public relations vantage point of the crucible of the lived experience, Outpost 422 is being converted into a living diary sharing the problems of social incongruity and the role of a Madison College transfer to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and the deliberate obstacles that were put in my way to stop me from graduating.

The widgets on the right side of the blog are the notetaking and diary devices that helped me stay grounded in the moment when intrusive thoughts manifested telling me to drop out. The John Q. Battlefield project shares how I overcame impossibility and faced rejection and manifested resilience, which is the blogs you are reading on this website.

The blogs are free to cite and use for understanding the battle-ready mindset of one veteran who faced each day with fighting back and achieving honors. Honor is a value all veterans agree represents us and our stake in society.

If you would like to join the mission, please fill out the contact form and share your story.

Your identity will be protected under the pseudonym. The project is open to both men and women who served who wish to have a research platform to excuse themselves from being targeted, which will happen, when a student veteran speaks up and speaks out.

Outpost 422 is a philanthropy providing student veterans and servicemembers the tool to succeed and face adversity by professors and administrators and their guerillas who represent them in the veteran community, like Curtis Lemke and Kris McMenamin, at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
