70 Years Not Forgotten: Senator shares his role with recovering Wisconsin POW MIA


On Feb. 25, Sen. Roger Roth discussed his role with the ongoing dilemma with DPAA, who receives funding, yet backlogs repatriating Wisconsin POW MIA and returning them home.

S.B. 602 currently awaits approval for allocating funds to the UW MIA Recovery and Identification Project. The project speeds up the process.

Roth advocates as a senator and veteran helping families find closure.

Roth served in combat with the Wisconsin Air National Guard, who introduced the first round of proposal through S.B. 446.

“We know the UW MIA Recovery and Identification Project works. We know this works,” Roth said. “We can fully build out the capabilities of the project with this next allocation.”

Wisconsin faces the ineptness of the Department of Defense whose DPAA Project receives $130 million for returning and repatriating remains according to Roth. The public affairs issue faces the likelihood the bill will not pass onto the next session.

Roth encourages all who are advocates for the families of the UW MIA Recovery and Identification Project donate to the recovery fund at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

UW Whitewater Communication majors come together to honor Lieutenant Jerome A. Volk for POW MIA Recognition Day on September 17, 2021.





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